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Find an Artist

The only way to beat this ...

SDAA Instagram Post 4.jpg

... is to outfox it

During these extraordinary times, we at SoHo Shakes are doing everything we can to help artists in our community maintain a living. Our new initiative, Social Distance Artists Alliance (SDAA), is designed to connect you—the versatile freelance artist—with prospective employers in this time of need.⁣

If you would like to be included in the database which we will send to the SoHo Shakes email list and publish on our social media, please email with the following information:⁣

1. Full name⁣
2. Pronouns (optional)⁣
3. Headshot or a photo of you that you’d like us to use⁣
4. List of services & skills you can provide remotely⁣
5. Professional 100-word bio ⁣
6. Website (optional)⁣
7. Instagram @⁣
8. FB Name⁣

Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Like us on FB @sohoshakes so we can tag you in the post.

*Artist email  will not be posted publicly and will only be shared by SSC directly with potential employers. By emailing us your requested information, you are agreeing to our *Terms & Conditions.

*Terms & Conditions


⁣*Artist email will not be posted publicly and will only be shared by SSC with potential employers directly. By emailing us the requested information, you are agreeing to join SSC email and to the below statement:

By submitting your information to the Social Distance Artist Alliance (SDAA), the Artist agrees that SoHo Shakespeare Company, Inc (SSC) has permission, should they choose, to publicly display your image, name, social media information, skills provided, a short biography, and should the Artist provide, website and pronouns.  Artist agrees that submitting to SDAA is not a guarantee of employment, payment or that Artist will be chosen for the SSDA program. Artist agrees that SSC does not supervise, scope, direct, control or monitor an Artists’s work and expressly disclaims (to the extent permitted by law) any responsibility and liability for the work performed in any manner or compliance with any law, statute, ordinance, regulation or code.  Artist agrees that SSC is not responsible or liable in any way for financial dealings between Artist and Employer.

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